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Wireless data logger

Wireless data logger

For determining and saving a variety of variables

With the Almemo 470 wireless data logger by Ahlborn Mess- und Regelungstechnik, you can wirelessly measure climate parameters such as temperature or atmospheric humidity. A flexible connection technology for digital sensors allows the adaptation of a large number of different sensors for measuring different variables. At the moment, up to 30 wireless sensors can be connected radially to one data logger, and an extension for the reception of up to 120 measuring channels is planned.
The measured values are stored in the device and displayed on a large 5.7-inch touch display. The sensors in the wireless network are managed and limit values and cycles are programmed using the clear, menu-driven display. For optimum assignment to the individual measuring points, it is even possible to use the logger to store comments in the wireless sensor.
The wireless modules themselves can be installed flexibly with various accessories. An integrated rechargeable battery allows a battery life of up to one year, depending on the measuring cycle. Power can also be supplied using an external mains unit. The WLAN-based data logger system is Internet-capable and can be used for a variety of different applications. Compact measuring software is available for the evaluation or remote retrieval of measurement data.


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Ahlborn Mess- und Regelungstechnik GmbH,
Holzkirchen (Germany)

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